Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spellcrafter Game Review: A Game of Swiping Your Magical Fingers to Victory

A young mage is in trouble. Are you ready to use your magic and lead your troops to defend this defenseless mage? Be a hero and get to conjure spell and strategically lead your troops with the Spellcrafter game by Jujubee.

Spellcrafter is a role-playing game with a mix of a tactical turn-based battle system. The game is divided into three acts and on each act you get to control one of the main heroes of the game. At the start of the game, you play as Cedric the knight who has awoken to save a young mage from the brotherhood. Your primary task will be to protect the mage and find a way to recover his memory and hidden power.

To move your character, tap on the screen to move your hero to that spot. Stand near objects like a treasure chest or other characters to interact with them.

If you come in contact with the enemy, a window will pop-out showing the difficulty of that opponent and the number of enemies you will be facing. You can either attack that enemy or retreat. But at other times you cannot retreat from a battle.

This is how it looks like in battle. You have your hero and your team at the left side and your opponent at the other side.

In battle mode, your primary task is to cast spells. Yes, that’s all your hero can do in battle. You stand in one corner on the battlefield and cast spells. The game features a unique way for you to cast spells. Casting spells in the game require you to draw a symbol on the screen to conjure a spell and either obliterate your enemy or buff up your units.

For instance, casting the fireball spell requires you to draw a straight horizontal line. You can check your spellbook for the symbols required to conjure a spell. Be mindful of the time though. The longer you cast your spell the less effective it will be. Also, watch out for your mana. If your mana runs out, you cannot do anything for that turn. Thankfully, your mana slowly regenerates with every turn.

Your allied units will do all do the moving in the battle. Unlike your hero, allies can move around the battleground and attack enemies when in range. They can move in a spot highlighted by the green tiles.

Your allies can attack enemies when they are in range. When in range, melee units can choose which side of the enemy to attack. You can either attack your enemy upfront, slash his ribs on his side or stab him in the rear. I’m quite not sure though if attacking position would affect your attack’s accuracy. I have tried attacking from the rear side and would sometimes miss my hit.

For ranged units, you can stay in your position and attack enemies at any distance. Even if there’s a big block of rocks standing between the unit and the enemy, ranged units can still fire a shot.

Part of the map has special areas that boost defense from ranged attacks. These are called Battlefield Cover. These areas are identified with a green shield icon on the map. If your units stand in these areas, you will get bonus defense from ranged attacks.

Below the screen, you’ll find your hero's health inside a red circle and mana inside a blue circle. Between these is a window with images of units within the battle. This window tells you whose turn is it to move.

For recruiting allies, you can find the army NPC (non-playable character) around the world. Just stand close to them and a window will appear showing you the available army and how much each cost. And when you add army to your troops, the same units are merged into one unit. For instance if you currently have 1 peasant and you add one more unit, you will only have one peasant in battle, but will have the number 2 on its health icon. Although you can control only one, its health and attacking power is equivalent to 2 peasants.

Once you recruited all the troops from a given army NPC, the NPC will disappear from the game. Troops will not regenerate from an army NPC once you bought them. If you ran out of troops and you still haven’t finished a level, you'll find it hard completing the level, forcing you to restart the level. I found myself restarting a level when I ran out of troops and I still have a more enemies to fight.

The game also features simple role-playing elements in the game such as choosing how to build your hero. With each level up, you get 1 point to upgrade either Attack, Magic or Defense. And when you have upgraded enough from a certain category, you get to unlock either an offensive or defensive spell or unlock a skill for your units. There are also side quests in the game and you get to choose to do them or skip them and go on with the main game.

The game, however, lacks deep role-playing elements that most RPG fanatics love such as distributing your own stats, gathering items, equipping your heroes or units with equipment, a complex skill tree, and a deep story. The game is more like a dungeon crawler where you navigate around the world, do battle, fight the level’s boss, and proceed to the next level. Despite all that, the game is quite challenging and fun.

The game is divided into three acts and in each act you play as one of the three main heroes in the game. The first act is you play with the knight Cedric. The second act lets you play with the necromancer character Dessan. I haven’t reached the third act yet, but it’s possible that you’ll play with the elven character.

Each hero is unique from each other. Each has its own sets of skills and lets you control a specific type of units. And with every act you start with a level 1 hero so all the upgrades you’ve made with the previous hero will not be brought over to the next hero.

The game features 3D graphics. It doesn’t sport the same graphics from high-end games or console-like games, but it’s graphics is not that bad considering the game is already in 3D and functioning smoothly. So far playing the game on my Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 has been a smooth and fluid experience.

Spellcrafter can be purchased from the Google Play Store for about US$2.70. And when you buy the game it’s all yours. There are no in-app purchases, ads, free-to-play gimmick, or whatsoever in the game and that’s big plus point when purchasing a game.

Are you ready for your magical adventure? Get Spellcrafter now and test out your magical swiping and tactical skills.

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