About Us

DroidNerdz is a place where you can read and discover games and apps for your Android devices. We also provide tips, tricks, and guides to help you use your Android to its full potential.

DroidNerdz will feature three types of content: gaming reviews, app reviews, and tips and tricks or guides.



Gaming is the heart and soul of DroidNerdz. Most of the articles you’ll find in DroidNerdz is about Android games. Here you will find gaming reviews for a variety of Android games such as role-playing games, card games, simulation, puzzle, side-scroller, and many more.



There is also a plethora of non-gaming apps from the Google Store and DroidNerdz will also review these apps for you. Here you will find app reviews and app suggestions that you can use and enhance the way you use your Android device.


 Tips and Tricks

And to get to know more about your device, DroidNerdz will also provide tips and tricks articles and guides that will help you unleash your Android to its full potential. Whether you are looking for tips on prolonging battery life or get to know more about custom ROMs, DroidNerdz is here to help.


Follow and Contact Us

DroidNerdz is all about you. We want to tailor DroidNerdz the way you, our readers, want from this blog. So if you have a nerdy question, an app review request, or you want to suggest on how to make DroidNerdz even better, feel free to contact us. You can reach us through our email droidnerdz@gmail(dot)com.

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